Laura 18th April 2018

My nana had cancer and I thought about it each day I looked up to the sky and wished it would go away. She fought it for two years but then it became too painful And then we all realised this is when she had to go We had to give ourselves a shake and just remember all the happy memories we deemed grateful My nana was my inspiration of love, light and laughter I’ve looked at her for many years to give me admiration Even when she spoke of the chicken factory days, she was such a grafter 😊 My nana was such a special person which I’m sure you would all agree She’d put her arms around me And say my darling Laura just focus on your degree 😊 This lady we all know and love was larger than life and so very strong This is why in our hearts we feel like something is wrong But one thing I do know is she would not want us to cry She’d want us all to smile, she’d want us all to go out on a high 😊 You are so precious nana, in every single way I will never ever forget you and I’ll think of you each day. I love you Nana Sandra so very very much And I just want to thank you for loving us all so much <3